John Thompson
Over the past forty years JOHN THOMPSON has spanned working in senior roles in major Wall Street firms, contributing his efforts on numerous non-profit boards, and becoming an award winning novelist. After graduating with an English major from Middlebury College, he worked for twenty years on Wall Street in senior roles at Salomon Brothers and several other firms. The desire to be a writer had always beat strong, so he left his career in finance in his mid-40s, moved to Charleston, South Carolina, and started writing full time.
In addition to writing, Thompson has been active in his local community, and has had the privilege of serving on numerous charitable boards:
Medical University of South Carolina Children’s Hospital Advisory Board – President; Charleston Education Network Board – President; Medical University of South Carolina Foundation Board – Executive Committee, and now Emeritus; Ashley Hall School; The Coastal Conservation League – Executive Committee; Charleston Collegiate School – Board Member, Interim Headmaster, now Emeritus; Berkshire School – now Emeritus.
His first works of fiction were aimed at an adult audience, including the award winning thriller ARMAGEDDON CONSPIRACY and a number of others. His first Middle Grade book, THE GIRL FROM FELONY BAY , was released in 2013. The Junior Library Guild named it a Monthly Selection, and SIBA voted it Best Children’s Book of the year in 2014. It was also a Finalist for the Black-Eyed Susan Award, the Maine Student Book Award, the William Allen White Award, the Georgia Young Reader Award, The Golden Sower Award, The Young Hoosier Award, and the South Carolina Book Award. DISAPPEARANCE AT HANGMAN’S BLUFF, released in September 2014, became the second book in the Felony Bay Mystery Series. It was also a Junior Library Guild Selection.