Mary Martha Greene
Mary M. Greene is an award-winning cook. (Ok, so the award was in 9th grade for baking Napoleons for State Foreign Language Day, but it was first place and she still has the trophy!) After this stunning victory, she dreamed of a culinary, or at least creative career. Her dream of following in the footsteps of a family friend and running the National Chicken Cooking Contest was waylaid by her Family Court Judge Father her freshman year of college when she came home for Christmas break and he informed her she’d be reporting for duty as a page at the State House in January. That led to a 40-year career in government relations and politics, including serving on the Governor staff of Governor Richard W. Riley, lobbying, political action, business development and consulting.
She regrouped and shared her love of cooking, baking and entertaining to aid her in making friends and influencing people in the legislative, political, and fundraising arenas. She’s also used her skills to help her clients with business development, including running hospitality suites at conferences, sporting events, and a skybox on the 18th green for the PGA-Heritage Golf Tournament on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
Mary also teaches baking skills every week at the MIRCI (Mental Illness Recovery Center, Inc.) Youth Drop-In Center in Columbia, South Carolina, with 17- to 25-year-old homeless and at-risk youth. One of her pupils told her one day she was like a “culinary Mary Poppins”, in that she always pops in to bake with them, and she carries a large bag from which she pulls all the ingredients and tools necessary to make whatever they are creating that week. While teaching baking skills, she also helps them learn that sometimes the most important thing you can do for someone is to show up when you say you will and to give them your undivided attention.
She is a born and reared, die-hard Gamecock fan, who does watch and care about the game, in addition to understanding the importance of preparing a fabulous tailgate. She loves cooking, entertaining, history, “junk-tiquing”, and traveling. She was care giver to her Grandmother, Mother, Aunts and other family members for much of her adult life and learned the best way to get through caregiving is to find the humor in it. She is “Aunt Mae-Mae” to about 20 children she loves as her own, none of which she has birthed, must discipline or send to college. She excels in spoiling them and returning them to their parents. She currently serves as house staff to her cat Queenie, who chose Mary by following the smell of barbeque to her kitchen door. She divides her time between Beaufort, South Carolina and Columbia, the State Capitol.
Learn More about Mary Martha Greene at: https://thecheesebiscuitqueen.com/